LEGO® Organization Day 3 - DIY Idea

Welcome back to LEGO® Organization Day 3. 
Organizing LEGO® bricks does not have to be expensive.  Simply use what you have to create LEGO® storage. 

DIY LEGO Organization, LEGO Organization Day 3
DIY LEGO Organization

Today's idea uses a large plastic coffee container.  My dad loves coffee so, these are always available in my house.  Here is what you need: container, paper, scissors, glue stick or Mod Podge.   If you use Mod Podge you will need a paint brush.  Optional items include: computer, printer, and digital camera.

First, I cleaned the coffee container out and filled it with LEGO® pieces (in my case it was wheels).  Then I took a picture of what I filled the container with and uploaded the image onto my computer.  I used the paint application to add my text "LEGO WHEELS."  Then I printed it out onto paper and cut it to fit my container.  I painted the outside with Mod Podge and put my paper on top.  Then I brushed the Mod Podge over the top of the entire label and let it dry.  Now I have an inexpensive way to store my LEGO® bricks.

If you do not have access to a computer or printer, simply decorate paper with whatever you have and glue it onto the outside of your container.  A homemade substitute to Mod Podge can be found over at Babblings and More.

I love being able to recycle things.  I feel it is important to take care of God's earth.  This project is easily adaptable to whatever you have so, have fun!  Be sure to check back tomorrow.  I'll be sharing another DIY project.

Happy organizing!

God Bless,


  1. Thank you for mentioning our blog! Your lego organizer is awesome!

    1. Thanks Babblings & More for your nice comment. :)


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