Lego Soap Carving - Canada Study - Inuit Carving

I am currently studying Canada in My Father's World.  Today, I did a Inuit carving using a bar of soap.  It was really fun!

  • First my Mom gave me a bar of Dial soap (since it was yellow it made the perfect Lego head)
  • Then I traced a Lego face onto the soap using a print out of a Lego head. You can use a pencil,  just tape the print out to the soap and trace on top of it.  My Mom had some fancy tool.  I tried that out, but a pencil works fine.
  • It takes a while but, it is really fun to carve in soap.
Here are the pictures of my creation.

Lego Head Soap Carving / Canada Study / Inuit
My Lego head soap tracing.

Lego Head Soap Carving /Canada Study / Inuit
Me in action carving my Lego head soap.

Lego Head Soap Carving / Canada Study / Inuit
My completed Lego head soap carving.

Have fun!  If you do the soap carving, leave me a comment on my site.  I love comments!
