What is LEGO® IDEAS ?

Okay, so I have been talking about LEGO® IDEAS for awhile and you probably want to know what it is about. LEGO® IDEAS is a cool site made by the LEGO® Group. You can submit your ideas and share with other users. You can also support other user's projects, follow them, comment on their projects, and more. To make your IDEAS account you need to use a LEGO® ID or create one on LEGO®.com.  Then use your LEGO® ID to make your LEGO® IDEAS account. Then you are ready to explore the site of LEGO® IDEAS. The best part is your idea can become a LEGO® set and you have one year to reach 10,000 supporters. You will also receive other benefits such as commission and recognition on your project. Click here to explore the site of LEGO® IDEAS

Here are some great projects form other users.

And here is my project LEGO® Disney™ Tsum Tsum™ Mickey. 

God Bless,
